No fuss, no mess, no clean-up just a little bit of work on the arms but overall very sweet and whimsical. Just try not to slap anyone in the face with the ribbons or the wands
What a way to make you feel like a kid again. Blowing bubbles at a send-off is a very popular occurrence in today's weddings. One because it is very cost efficient as well as a great way to make you feel like a kid again. But please, instruct blowers to stay away from blowing in your face and directly on garments. Bubbles are mainly soap and water and not supposed to cause stains but...some have been know to leave a ring or two.

Kind of a slow burning firework that emits color and sparkles galor. What a ways to exit your reception like having your very own personal sparkler show. CAUTION: please please please, I would prefer the young'ens not handle sparklers. Yes it is pretty and they likey, but an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. Although not terribly common, they can ignite clothing and tinge the skin so be careful.
Rose Petals / Confetti
Both confetti and rose petals are given to the guests to toss at you as you exit. Of the two, rose petals are far more luxurious and a lot less messy than the confetti. The edge the confetti has is in cost. If you have to choose between the two, in my opinion nothing beats rose petals. After all you are the King and Queen of the ball and the feet of Royalty must never touch the ground. Note: the clean-up for both can be daunting (especially the confetti). I also suggest using real petals as apposed to artificial options. I would hate for someone to slip on the artificial petals as it is thrown on a ground with no traction.
Releasing butterflies at the conclusion of your nuptials ads a very special and symbolic touch to your wedding. A butterfly represent transformation and change. And since you have just transformed from single life into married life, the release of the butterfly will represent your flight into your new life as husband and wife. This option is spectacular for outdoor weddings.
With all the possibilities that exists to guarantee you a grand exit, your biggest obstacle is choosing one option . To make your decision, your best guide is to choose that best send-off complimentary to your style, time of day and location of the event.
What was your grand exit at you or your clients event?
Ribbon Wands: Favors in the City
Sparklers: Sparkle
true.true.true! Skip the rice!^^ we did the bubbles on our wedding and petals too! ... good job on putting this together on your post!