Because we are at the mercy of the manufacturers and how they perceive a specific color, we must be careful in what, how and who we purchase, order or rent from. A friend of mine, fell prey to such a mishap to the color "burgundy". To me it is obvious that burgundy, even though it is a cousin (1st cousin) to the color red it is a much much darker shade. What she wanted was:

What she ended up with was:

It isn't her fault, when she selected the color from the options, she selected burgundy. How was she to know that what she would receive was burgundy's second cousin twice removed. Because this can be an issue for many people in any shade of color; blue, green, pink, even black, I would suggest (whenever possible):
- use vendors whose color charts you are familiar with
- see the product in person
- request a sample/swatch
- for Internet products, order just one to see in person
If none of these options are available then I suggest prayer...and little faith:)
***NOTE: Whenever possible, always plan in advance so you avoid last minute purchases. This way if you receive a product that does not meet your criteria, then you will have enough time to return or exchange it.
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