Friday, October 15, 2010

Pretty Little Things: Inspired By Skittles...

I have a friend, a friend for about 19 + years and counting. Though we haven't seen each other in a long long LONG time I still regard her as someone very special in my life. We met through our mothers who were close. And through their closeness we become close.

She was a popular girl entering Junior High School with many friends and I started with none. She was kind enough to stick close to me as a new girl starting out and introduce me to her friends so we can all become friends and I wouldn't feel alone. Unfortunately we didn't graduate J.H.S together because she left New York and moved to Georgia with her family. Even though we now had some miles in between us, I was glad that throughout the years we have still remained a part of each others lives so much so that I was honored to witness the union of her marriage to her husband as a bridesmaid in her wedding about 10+ years ago.

Well, that's our history. Here we are 2010. I wake up one morning early because I couldn't sleep and went on Facebook to see what everyone was up to (don't judge me, you know you do it too). I saw that she posted something on Facebook that made me sit up in my bed. She was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I could barely get through reading the post without my hands shaking and tears streaming down my face...who am I kidding I was bawling. Partly because I wasn't there with her & the other part because I was fearing the whatifs ( I won't even go there). I'm tearing up just writing this so I will stop now because I just can't...

She talks about her journey in her blog HERE. But in case you don't get a chance to read it just know that she is OK...she is a survivor...she is blessed...she is alive...she is kicking butt (literally)...and she is Awesome.. and she is STILL my friend.

So I dedicate this inspiration board to friend Melissa. For just being the her!

Smooches Skittles...Cookie puffy hearts you!


1 comment:

  1. WOW Cookie, this was truly awesome... I became very excited as I realized that this was a blog about me. :D As I read it I couldn't help but laugh cause eh-hemmmm... I've been in GA for 20+ years. LOL! not far off though. Then you brought tears to my eyes as you mentioned out J.H.S days. You made those years special for me cause you are such a great friend. I often wonder what our friendship would have been like if I hadn't moved, and can only imagine an unbreakable bond. I still feel that we have this in a long distance kinda way. :) Girlfriend! I love you! and THANK YOU for always being there; it's only miles between us but our bond is always close.

    The work displayed above is so beautiful I'm blown away. You are very talented lady. I was trying to see if I could pick one favorite and just couldn't... just like the bridal stuff some years ago. Hope you don't mind but I'll be pulling from some of this stuff for when I finally get to have my "in remission" party.


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