Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Planning: It's a Destination Mon!

Recently, one of my girlfriends said "St. Lucia is the #1 country for Destination Weddings". STOP THE PRESS...WHAAAAT!!!!! (remember she's a Lucian talking to a Jamaican so of course I disagree...biased yes I know). I asked her where she saw that little tidbit. She told me everywhere.  I visited St. Lucia for the first time this year and LOVED IT! So much so I tried to "convince" a 2014 destination couple to get married there, but I lost that battle. But #1 island for destination weddings? Hmmmmm, this I have to investigate.

So I spent a few hours on a lot of few hours...perusing the Internet looking for this magical "everyone" person that my friend was talking about. And what I found did not shock me one bit. Every site I checked, every expert that spoke, every frequent traveler that had something to say had a different answer.  Which leaves me to believe, the #1 country for a Destination weddings is...(drum roll please)

Wherever You Damn Well Choose To Get Married!!!! 

What works for you will NOT work for everyone else. What appeals to him, may NEVER appeal to her. So worry less about the #1, #2 or #3 choice and choose what best suits your needs. I am not saying don't entertain the "experts". But take from it what you will. Make your decisions based on what you and your fiancée want most out of the occasion and location.

BUT! just in case you wanted my "EXPERT" advice... go ahead I dare you to roll your eyes at expert, here are some of my faves:

I am a frequent traveler to Trinidad (every year for the past 7 years for Carnival) but 2013 was the first time visiting Trinidad's sister island, Tobago. I FELL IN LOVE... ahhhhhhhh. The beauty of the island, the warmth of the people and the SEA.  Perfect place for a beach front wedding.

Check out Magdalena Grande and Coco Reef. Yeah...pretty right!
(Magdalena Grande)

This small but beautiful island captured my heart 4 years ago and it hasn't let go since. Small in size but LARGE in beauty. The sea here is STELLAR STELLAR STELLAR! In comparison to some of the islands I've visited I find Barbados to be more modern than most without losing it's island vibes and cultural appeal. I just love this place.

Check out the Crane Hotel if you want to explore more. Trust me you will love it. - and ask Tony to double spike your freshly picked jelly coconut.

(The Crane)

I have never been to Anguilla (YET) but recently while researching destinations I fell in love with the possibilities of potentially getting lost on this island. Something about this island appeals to me.

Take a look at The Viceroy which has quickly been added to my bucket list.

(The Viceroy)

*notice which island I haven't mentioned...YET...we are getting there though. just one second*

St. Lucia:
As I mentioned before I visited for the first time this year and was extremely pleased. I love a hilly island with beautiful scenery and lush land. And St. Lucia fits the bill.  A beautiful island get-away. This location will be specifically exciting for your guests as there are sooooo many things to do in St. Lucia. So if you choose this option make sure your guests stay for an extra couple of days ( or 3).

Check out Sandals Grande and Jade Mountains yeah...thank me later:)

(Jade Mountain)


Jamaica (oh island in the sun):
My home, my land, the country of my birth. I LOVE MY COUNTRY and you will too. The Land, The Sea, The Air. The People, The Places & The Things. Also another great destination for you to turn your wedding DAY into a wedding weekend extravaganza. The lush landscape and the calming sea make this a toss up for me. Is it it best for an ocean side wedding, or something secluded up in the hills. Either choice is the right choice. You can't go wrong. Fill up on fruits and seafood, eat jerk EVERYTHING, and enjoy the sweet sounds of reggae music. Have I rambled enough?

Because I am so close to this island I have so many choices for venue options but to throw just a few out at you try The Rockhouse Hotel Strawberry Hill , Trident Port Antonio, and Geejam Hotel. Thank me later (with some juneplums)
(Geejam Hotel)

Some great options for you to start your search so renew your passport, pack your sun screen and put the phone on silent. There is FUN waiting for you.


  1. I am definteily a biased Jamaican myself :) I"m you glad added Anguilla to the list becuase alot of folks don't know abour this island

    1. Anguilla is beautiful. Before I presented it to my client she was not interested. THEN she saw what I saw. Now she can't stop talking about it.


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